Friday, 5 October 2007

Day 2 : Write a 100 word novel in a week!

My heart wasn't quite in this 'Day 2' of the competition email (band rehearsal the night before and three hours broken sleep) but you do what you can...

Day 2.

We're going to keep this email short, because if you followed yesterday's advice you have words in the bank and can afford to take today off.

If you've yet to start your hundred word novel, then there's still time to join the competition - closing date is next Friday!

And it should go without saying that we'll be accepting entries written in any language you're happy writing in. Don't worry that we can only read English and will run your novel through Google translate a few times (your language to Flemish, Flemish to Spanish, Spanish to French, French to German, German to Italian, Italian to English ). It'll be fine.

Funt - 12 steps behind the program, but with you all the way

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